Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Let us all be great...

You vs. Me.
Your gender vs. My gender.
Your religion vs. My religion.
Your thoughts vs. My thoughts.
Image Source: http://www.insitesoft.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Avoiding-B2B-Ecommerce-Channel-Conflict.jpg

This is how the world seems to be spinning currently. A compulsion to find one, just one absolute version of everything.

Can all the variety of life be captured in just one singularity? Can the tastes of all different fruits be summarized into one? Or the fragrance of all the flowers in one?

The earth inherently promotes multiplicity. The trees, the animals, the seasons. Each variant has its own role and no other can compensate for it.
Then, how can we, a small portion of the entire life on earth, be so presumptuous so as to believe that we can possibly find one representative element for each category we debate upon?

Why can't we celebrate the differences, the variety and be glad that we all are unique, each of us a masterpiece.
Image Source: http://sfisocialscience.weebly.com/uploads/5/9/7/7/59779649/2545417_orig.jpg

Let's be great, both you and me. Let's not fear each other for we are different, in gender, in religion or in our thoughts. Let's enjoy the delight of experiencing something more than what we have on our own.

Image Source: http://srtandmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/oneness_hands.jpg

And if singularity is what we so desperately seek, let's find it in peace, practice it in compassion and cherish it in love.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Award Returns

I've been reading/watching a lot of stuff on the issue of eminent people returning the awards/recognitions given to them, as a sign of protest.
I thought of penning down my thoughts over the same a lot of times, but simply couldn't get around to it. Thanks to the media, I think I'm still not late to the party.

First off, let's be clear on the grounds on which these awards are given out. In most cases, the awards are for excellence in their field of work, say writing. Now, it is to be noted that these people haven't been philanthropists or social workers. They are like any other professional who did a good job at whatever they were doing. They made money out of it. They got fame for it. They did more intellectual stuff, no qualms there.

Next, I would like to understand the genesis of the gesture. The popular reason being given is threat to freedom of expression and growing intolerance. Well, I simply fail to understand if making mockery of one of the most prestigious award is not freedom enough, what would qualify? If the right to do so without the fear of prosecution exists, where is the intolerance? 

Now, some would like to play the religion card here. Well, we are world's largest democracy and a secular one. We have more number of religions coexisting together than any other country in the world and statistically speaking, rather peacefully. We have found unique stability in such mind-bogglingly diversity. We have literally redefined the word tolerance. We give meaning to the word freedom. Yes, that's us.

Unfortunately, some notorious elements of media and political vultures like to feed on the fears of masses. Be it for the TRP or for vote bank. Fear is good for business. Period.

But being intellectuals that these people are, one would expect these people to be able to distill the truth from noise. I don't see that happening. They are only fueling the chaos, with a huge cost to the peace and tranquility of the nation. No matter how hollow the bat is, if there are enough bats to pound with, strongest of the things would break. The county, our India, and the strength of its social fabric being the objects at risk here.

Further, I understand that there might be political dissent here. Some people or parties may not be in agreement to the plans and policies of the current government. They would want to disrupt its working. But then, aren't they the real threat to democracy here?
How can someone hold a government, elected by constitutional process, by a majority vote of the people, be held hostage by a few? Isn't that against the very ethos of our democracy, our constitution? How can the will of people be spoken for by a few individuals? How can an elected government be run over by a few disgruntled people? How can this not be called intolerance?

A true democracy runs on debates and decorum, not debacles and distortion. Power usurping or blackmailing in the face of disagreement is a show of weak character.
May the intellectuals rise to their claimed pedestal and set a good example.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Failed experiment

I see a small section of people who stand-up for what they want. They do the jobs they like, marry the people they love, travel to destinations they dream even if they have to hitchhike. They do all that facing a lot of resistance and hardship, from society as well as family.

Some of them end up having just ordinary lives. No opulence, no fanfare.
Just ordinary.
This gives a lot of satisfaction and a sense of security to the society, which can label this small, adventurous population as a failed experiment.
But what the society can't fathom is the level of satisfaction and happiness this small population experiences even in their so-called ordinary life. They enjoy each day and each experience as life presents it. They find meaning in their existence rather than face compulsion of routine. They keep exploring, experimenting, enjoying the forbidden fruit.
They are not a failed experiment, they are the next iteration of evolution.

Monday, October 12, 2015


Memories... Keep the right ones.
Not all things end well. But if we can just remember the good parts, they can take us a long way.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

So affectionate...

When I returned home after a long day, I found her waiting at the door for me. Her large brown eyes were full of love. She gave me a nice warm hug. I bent down and gently kissed her on her forehead. She playfully jumped on me and rested her head on my chest, her soft smooth hair brushing against my face.
I wanted to go inside but she had other plans. She had waited all day for this moment and she was not done just yet.
She reached for my face and planted a huge wet kiss on me.
She won't stop licking me all over, almost tearing my shirt in the process. I finally stopped resisting and gave in to her mood.
Let's play...

Damn, Dogs are so affectionate!


Some delusions are better than reality.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Writer

The people who create magic with words, who can imagine and see things that others can't and then, bring those things for others to relish, just by their words.
A tribute to all the writers.

Tragedy of Glory

The brightest and the strongest, the ones that do so much for the world are often the ones who are the loneliest! 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

My Moon

Well, even in relationships, someone always loves more than the other.
And then, there are times when the one you love is not with you. It is really sad to love and not be loved back.
But don't let that scare you from loving someone. It takes courage and character to love someone selflessly.
Love like you would love the Moon.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Finding my way home

Yes, I believe that I'm those old school romantic type! Guilty as charged!
But sometimes, when you are down and low, a touch is all we need. A touch of the person we love, and it gets us pass everything else. It feels safe, it feels home.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I captioned it 'Alone'.

Contrary to popular belief, being alone doesn't essentially means absence of physical company.
Over the years, I have been in relationships, been out of it, lived among friends, lived in seclusion, had a very social life and been a recluse too. With all the experience that I gathered from all the interactions, I have come to interpret the term alone in a much broader sense.
Being alone is not just an absence of physical company, it is a much more complex mental state. Many of us would have felt alone in a room full of people. I, for one, have.
Sometimes, being trapped in situations and relations also make us feel alone. This loneliness, the one that exists even with people around, is particularly more taxing and daunting than being alone in the traditional sense of the word.
I have experienced another form of loneliness. I really can't put my finger on it, but I believe it is intellectual loneliness, the feeling of being unable to find people who match our wavelength, 'Our kind of People'. I so want to surround myself with people who just get what I'm saying. The Magic that happens when we don't need to complete our sentences. The message gets conveyed before the words are spoken. Of all the times I have felt alone, this one has been the worst kind.

Feel free to pen your thoughts on the topic.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Because it's not your fault

My Dear One,

I'm writing this to you even without knowing who you are or how you are going to be. But I need to write this for I know who I'm and how I need to be, rather, how I want to be.

I'm hurt. I'm broken. Shattered. But when you walk in, I resolve to be whole again and to give you all of myself. It might take some time, but I'll get there. You shall not be forced to suffer with some damaged goods because it's not your fault.

I feel betrayed. Deeply let down. But with you, I'll learn to take chances again. I'll trust you with all my strength. I'll learn to depend on you and be there for you always. There shall be no walls to keep you out because it's not your fault.

I feel angry. I feel vengeful. But with you, I'll find love again. I'll look for peace and compassion that you bring and shall cherish you. You shall never be a channel for misguided hatred because it's not your fault.

I want to be mean. Selfish. Even cold to emotions. But I want to share with you, warm up to you. I'll care for you, protect you, defend you and even fight for you. I'll never let you feel alone because it's not your fault.

I might not be what I used to be. I have changed. But I'll never ask you to change on my behalf. I shall never try to make you into someone you are not or secretly hope that you replace someone I had. I'll celebrate who you are. I want you to know that I want you and you alone. Nothing that happened matters because it's not your fault.

It might have been my fault which has left me where I'm. Or not. But I know this for sure, that it's not you and that it's not your fault.